About the project
Understanding the function of biomolecules during complex biological processes is the grand-challenge in structural biology, despite many technological advances in the field; to be successful, researchers need to focus on the link between the structural changes of biomolecules and the mechanism. iSenseDNA focuses on developing a technology to identify what a change in molecular structure implies about its function.
iSenseDNA will provide a revolutionary technology for next-generation nano-biosensing, sensitive to target in real-time conformational changes and link molecular structure and biological function. Each even partial achievement of the iSenseDNA objectives will provide a step forwards in scientific and technological areas from biotechnology to advanced optical spectroscopy, from nanomedicine to bioinformatics.
Our research findings will be open access: once available, published papers and reports will be listed on this website.
The list will be updated as the project progresses.
Meanwhile, an overview of publications by the partners relevant to iSenseDNA is available, as well as other media related to the project.